
Trump v. Hillary

 Donald Trump is the ultimate Republican. He is the Republican in it's purest, loudest form. Everything he's been saying that has made people angry are the same things that FOX news has made their running themes for years, the same things that the GOP's most beloved and popular politicians have hinted around at and nudged us in the ribs about, that their talking heads have written their little books about, the EXACT same things that radio celebrities like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage, Glenn Beck or Mark Levin have been saying all this time.Trump just says it out loud, and when he gets backlash, he repeats it and the media loves it and they repeat it 100 times for him.

Trump is a Right-Wing media machine, a half-man/half money cyborg from a dystopian future who has come back to our present to take over forever. Donald Trump is a celebrity. All the old fellas who've been toiling in politics all these years have been pretending to be celebrities and in their bubble they could imagine that it was true, but Trump is a real celebrity and none of them can compete with him at all. The people are baffled. They do not know what is happening. They are so confused that they thought they liked Ben Carson just because he tried to say crazier things than Donald. Well, I can wear Hanes just like Michael Jordan. It doesn't mean I'm Michael Jordan. Sorry, Carson.

Donald Trump is wealthy. The GOP LOVES the wealthy. They taught their constituents to love the wealthy. Do you think the GOP has ANYONE who can compete for the hearts and minds of their base against a wealthy hatemonger who they have SEEN ON THEIR FAVORITE SHOWS???? HELL. NO.
It is the time of Trump. Trump is going to get the nomination. There are people who thought he had no chance, but in fact it is the flabby little rascals that make up the rest of the GOP candidates who have no chance, because none of them have ever hosted a reality show and none of them ever made so much money that no one could fire them. Trump is what Giuliani wanted to be, what McCain wanted to be, what Perry wanted to be... The GOP has no one who can debate him and no one who can stand against him.

Would Donald Trump be good for America? HAHAHAHA NO. Every action he takes would end in disaster. And he would not care, and neither would all of the people who supported him. All the GOP's base needs to be happy is to get their own way, not to have success.

Hillary, on the other hand, is the modern day equivalent of Richard Nixon: an ebon shade, a doomed lost soul decades or centuries into an aimless quest that has taken her so far into the twisted woods that she hasn't seen the sun of reality since she was young. She and Bill are Hansel and Gretel, still searching in the woods, still trolling for witches, buying gingerbread house after gingerbread house and still feeling homeless. They are actual possession cases, possessed by demons of ambition that will not let them rest and not let them feel a second of happiness until they are dead, because of what they do not have (in this case the Presidency). You would not be safe in a room with the Clintons if you had one cookie and they had none. You would find yourself hounded by mysterious thugs for years until you lived in a utility closet in a service tunnel. Hillary has to live, and to live, she has to dedicate her every waking moment to seeking ultimate power. It is a story as old as Alberich the ringsmith, father of Hagen. One day Chelsea will redeem her sad, misunderstood monstrous parents' tragedy as Antigone tried to redeem Oedipus as she cradled his dying body in her arms. On that day we will all rejoice, but in the meantime we have in Bill and Hillary and their coterie a drama of epic proportions to watch unwind to its deadly, sorrowful conclusion, a tragic cycle that makes King Lear look like an episode of fcking Fraggle Rock.
We are in for a clash of monsters, Trump Vs. Clinton, and yes, there WILL be blood. Hug your loved ones and start growing your own vegetables, people. The meat is going to run out at the butchershop. Just remember, if we do all die young, we can still say we were in it for the lulz.