
Explain a Film Plot Badly

So, there's this guy, he's I guess maybe mid 40's? Brown hair. Pretty nice guy, he seems like. He has a wife who dresses pretty fancy. I mean he's kind of casual with maybe plaid shirts and dockers and a jacket, but she usually has her hair all done and a silk shirt and some jewelry... They're kind of a weird couple. Not weird people, I mean they're a weird match. He seems really normal, but she seems like an elegant lady in a soap opera, but I think she'd be the villain lady, a real femme fatale if you ask me. So, really different personalities with this couple. You kinda wonder how they got together. Seems to me like he kinda gets on her nerves. She's a little snippy with him.

So, I said that they weren't weird people but actually she is a little weird, you guys. When he's not around she goes into these daydreams where she's all horny... But she's such a cold person all the time, I mean she looks cold but she acts cold too, so if she's so horny, why doesn't she just warm up to her husband maybe? I guess it's really a look into marital dynamics is what this is, what with all the unsaid psychological stuff and interpersonal conflicts that really a good marriage counselor could help them with, with the body language and little remarks that the husband doesn't really like from her but he isn't an angry person, y'know what I mean? He's not much of an ARGUER, so when she says something that's a little rude to him, he usually just gives like a little annoyed look and maybe mumbles something back under his breath and goes to look around the house.

Oh, OK, the house is a whole other thing. They are moving into a house that they already own. It's in his family because his brother used to stay there. So now they are moving back into the house and that's like how I mean when I say that the guy will go wander around the house to look at nails that need hammering or creaky floorboards or whatever.

I'll tell you this much though, he should have looked harder for them nails because in this one part when he and some movers are moving a mattress, he cuts his hand on a nail that is sticking out of the wall. OWIE-ka-ZOWee it bleeds a LOT. Everyone is really worried. His daughter is like "Daddy, your HAND!" and he goes and bandages it up...

OKAY, that's another thing I forgot to talk about. He has this daughter. She's really good looking. She's about 18 or 19 probably... really cute. Now, this is the 80's, and in the 80's the hottest look a gal could have was nice teased hair, any color is fine, this girl's hair is brown just so you know, but any color looks good. But then you'd be wearing either a tank top and jeans, or maybe a white button down shirt with jeans, or a turtleneck sweater with jeans, but ALSO, a girl would wear a brown bomber jacket. It was a good look. Really 80's. Bomber jackets were really popular with high school kids in the 80's. So, you'd wanna live somewhere fairly cool to wear this outfit, and this movie is in either Canada or England, I'm not sure, but she is wearing this outfit is why I bring it up.

She is the GUY'S daughter but not his WIFE's daughter. His WIFE is her STEPmother. That's important, because you can tell that they don't get along too well. I think that, again, this relationship between the girl and her stepmother could benefit from a counselor. They could work out their different unspoken issues and they both might feel better about each other. I kinda wish more families would be more open to counselling, really.

So, after all the stuff I described, the story goes in some other directions that I didn't really expect. I don't want to give it all away but let's just say they find a puzzle box that's like a Rubik's Cube but fancier, like it's black and gold and bronze and stuff, and fellas, you wouldn't want to try to solve this one, because then some pretty spooky stuff happens.