

This trial will never end. Trump and Judge Engoron have found in one another their diametric opposites, their shadow selves. Each one sees in the other the exact person that they abhor and would not want to be. But one can not meet his Other and then ever be free of them. The moment that their eyes met in the courtroom, Trump and Engoron were bonded and sealed to one another. Theirs is a true marriage that will outlast the planet Earth.

Neither man will get what they want and neither man will give up their hopes. All trump wants is for the judge to praise him and throw the New York Attorney General into a penitentiary while calling her racist slurs. All Engoron wants is to never have to make a decision and to just walk out of the courtroom, to sit on the sidewalk outside, and to pretend he's a bullfrog and think about pastels. Neither thing can happen, so every second for these men is like how you and I feel when we wake up and remember that it's Monday and that we wrecked our car the night before.

As they face off against each other, each man has to confront the lacunae within his own character. Trump has to face up to how little he knows and how incapable he is. Engoron has to face his own self-doubt.

Engoron does not see himself as being worthy of authority. That is why he wears pink shirts with yellow ties and that is why he uses words like "beseech" when addressing trump's charlatan attorneys. Engoron has only gotten by in life by being a happy, smiley guy. A judge is supposed to command respect, but Engoron cringes at that thought as fearfully as a small child would recoil from a lunch bag full of scorpions.

These glaring holes in their souls are functions of their greed. Each man has succeeded thus far in life by leaning into these flaws. And now they are locked in a standoff from which neither can flinch, and from which no one can save either one of them; not from each other, and not from themselves. When the Earth is nothing but dust, these two men will remain in each other's embrace in some form or another, perhaps a stone of two colors, and they will float forever in space, because the time has already passed where either of them could’ve brought this to an end by acknowledging their own flaws and submitting to their roles and fates.

Humanity is not going to see 2025. This trial, this conflict, was what all of humanity was hinged upon. The true Chosen People are Donald Trump and Arthur Engoron, like Cain and Abel or Jacob and Esau, Jonas brothers, grapplers on whom God and Satan have placed their bets. And even God and Satan are going to be left without any sense of resolution. Because God cannot reach the hearts of either one of these men, while Satan can, but Satan never gets what he wants. God cannot convince Trump that He exists and God cannot convince Arthur Engoron that he deserves to be a judge and to act like a judge. Satan can get into peoples' hearts and minds, but in the end can never be satisfied with the fruits of his labor. All of humanity exists now in the Omega Point that is the Trump-Engoran conflict. The Book of Revelations is cancelled; those events will never happen. The Apocalypse has already begun and it will never end, because it is too stupid. We are all in Hell and God is here too, because all of humanity failed when we produced these two men.